
Mathris are popular in north india. They are also known as nimkis.

 Atta/wheat flour : 1 cup
Maida/white flour : 1/2 cup
 Ajwain/carom seeds : 1 tsp
 Crushed black pepper : 1 tsp
 Cumin seeds/jeera : 1 tsp
 Baking soda : ¼ tsp
 Ghee : 2 tbsp
 Water : ½ to ¾ cup
salt to taste
oil for frying

Seive the wheat flour, white flour, cooking soda and salt together.
Add the ajwain.
Mix the carom seeds with the rest of the seived flours.
Add the ghee.
Add water and start to knead the dough.
The dough should not be soft, but a little tight and hard.
Make the mathris in any shape
There are two ways of making the mathris:
1 : triangular
2 : circular

First, lets see how to make triangular mathris. Take a small ball of the dough and roll into a puri.fold the rolled puri sideways.And then again fold it in a triangular shape.

Second, For making circular mathris.
Take a tennis ball size dough in your hand and roll into a thick disc/chapati. prick with a fork on this rolled dough.With a biscuit cutter, cut round discs. you can also take small balls from the dough and roll them each into round discs. The round discs can be in the range of 3 to 4 inches in diameter.On the round disc embedd some peppercorns. remove the extra dough from the sides and make another ball of it.

Make the mathris in any shape of your choice. keep all of them aside.
Heat oil in a pan and start to fry the mathris till they are crisp and golden brown. (please see notes below for the hotness of the oil)
Drain mathri on tissues to remove excess oil. when the mathris are cooled, store them in an airtight jar.
Enjoy the mathris with pickles or just with evening chai/tea.
Few tips for making mathri recipe:

The mathris should never be fried in a very hot oil. They become browned quickly from the outside but do not get cooked from inside.
The oil should be kept on a low to medium flame. Hence, the mathris take a longer time to fry than other fried indian snacks .
If making round mathris then make it a little thick.
For the triangular mathris have to be fried really evenly to ensure that the inner folds inside the triangles are cooked as well.

Mathris can also be made during diwali. you can make these crackers and store them in an air tight container.

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