Kanthari Chicken

Kanthari Chicken / Bird’s Eye Chilli Curry (കാന്താരിമുളക് ) have Spicy and Exotic Taste. Try this Quick, Easy, Spicy Hot Recipe!

Chicken  : 1/2 kg
Onion   : 2  sliced
Tomatoes  : 1 chopped
Chilly crushed : 1 tsp( chilli flakes)
Garlic crushed : 1 tsp
Ginger crushed : 1 tsp
Green chilies crushed : 3
Salt as required
Bird's eye chilies (kanthari) crushed: 6
Coriander powder : 1 tsp
Fennel powder : 1/2 tsp
Garam masala : 1/2 tsp
Thick Coconut milk : 3 tbsp
Coconut oil
Curry leaves : 2 sprig


Heat a pan and pour oil .
Add the chopped onion , saute well.
Add green chilies to it, saute well
Add crushed ginger garlic.
Saute them till the raw smell disappears.
When the onion changes color, add the crushed bird's eye chili to the pan.
Lower the flame, add chilli flakes, coriander powder and fennel powder
Now add the chopped tomato to it, saute well.
Add chicken to the pan
Add two sprig curry leaves to it
Keep stirring till the chicken get roasted well
Now add the coconut milk
When the chicken is cooked well, add garam masala to the pan
The chicken kanthari peralan is ready ...
The curry goes well with steamed rice, especially Kerala Par-boiled rice.
