Noodle Cutlet

Noodle cutlet







1. 4 to 5 boiled potatoes
2. 2 tbsp grated carrots
3. 2 tbsp chopped French beans
4. 1/2cup green peas
5. 1/4 cup chopped onions
6.1/4 cup chopped spring onions
7.1/4 chopped coriander (dhania)
8. 2 chopped green chillies
9.1/2 tsp chilli powder
10. 1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper
11.  salt to taste
12. 1/2 cup cornflour
13.1 cup bread crumbs
14. oil for shallow frying 
15.1 cup boiled noodles

How to make:

 1.First peel and mash the potato,
 2.In a bowl, add mashed potato, carrot, green peas, French beans, onion, ginger-garlic paste, coriander, green chilli, spring onion, boiled noodles and mix well. (you can add veggies according to your taste.)
 3.Now heat the oil in a vessel.
 4.Add Black pepper, chilli powder, bread crumbs, salt and mashed veggies and mix well.
 5.Now make the normal size cutlets from the mixture.
 6.Roll the cutlets on cornflour.
 7.Heat a pan and pour very less oil in it.
 8.When the oil became hot ,shallow fry this rolled cutlet till golden brown .( you can also deep fry this.)
 9.Serve hot with tomato sauce or coriander chutney
