Potato Stew

           Potato Stew
potatoes - 3 medium(peeled and cubed)

onion -1 medium thinly sliced

green chillies- 4-5 slit open lengthwise

ginger - 2" inch finely chopped

thin coconut milk (second extract) - 1 1/2 cups

thick coconut milk - 1/2 cup

coconut oil - 2 tsp

curry leaves

How to make:

1. In a pressure cooker add potatoes, onion, greenchillies, ginger, salt and 1 cup of water.

2. Keep this in flame till 1 whistle.

3. Open the lid and add thin coconut milk and let it cook on low heat for 5 mins.

4.Now add thick coconut milk and bring to boil and reduce the heat to low and cook uncovered till it reaches thick and creamy.

5. Add the curry leaves and drizzle the coconut oil and remove from the fire.

6. Cover and let it rest for 5 mins. this allows the aroma and the flavor to seep it.
