

Maida/ All purpose flour -2 cups...
Baking soda - 1/4 tsp
Butter+oil. - 1/4 cup
Curd. -2tbsp
Water. -To binding
Oil. - To deep fry

For sugar syrup:-
Sugar. -1 cup
Water. - 1/2 cup
Cardamom pwdr - 1tsp
Rose essence - 1 tsp


In a bowl add butter( in room temperature) + oil+baking soda + curd. Mix it well. Transfer it to the flour. Mix it with fingers till it looks like bread crumbs. Add water to this and make a soft non sticky dough .keep it aside for 10 mins. Make the sugar syrup. Let it boil & form one string consistency.Add cardamom pwdr & rose essence to get a nice smell.

Make the dough into equal lemon sized balls. Take each ball & flattern it with your palm. Make a dent in the center with your thumb. Heat the oil for deep frying. Fry in medium low flame till it turns nice brown colour. Take badushas from oil & dip it in sugar syrup. Then transfer it to a plate & serve.
