Chemba Puttu

Chemba puttu is made with chemba puttu podi or brown rice flour. This is an authentic Kerala breakfast made at every Keralite home atleast once in every week. A very simple and easily made breakfast which can be served with kadala curry, banana or with spicy curries.Usually Puttu is made with normal/roasted rice-flour in the same procedure,I have used the red/brown-rice/Chemba rice flour which is more healthier due to the fibre-content in the rice. This puttu will be a little dark since the podi is of brown rice r and a little firm so care must be taken while mixing the flour.

Chemba puttu pd/red rice powdered _ 1 cup
 Salt _as required
 Water to moisten the flour- 1/4 cup or as required
 Freshly grated coconut- 1/2 cup
Add enough salt to the chemba rice powder and also add grated coconut( half).
 Sprinkle water and mix it.
 Keep on sprinkling water and continue mixing, till the whole flour is wet enough.
 After the mixture has enough moisture, crumble all the lumps if formed during the mixing, this helps make the puttu soft.
Now, take the round puttu maker.
 Add a layer of coconut first Then make a layer of rice powder .
Steam it until the steam escapes the vessel. Invert the puttu vessel on a plate Repeat the same to  make more delicious puttu...
