Sweet Diamond Cuts

Sweet Diamond Cuts for Evening Snacks


• Maida / All purpose flour             - 1 cup
• Sugar                                           - ½ cup
• Salt                                             - a pinch
• Cardamom                                  - a pinch
• Oil to fry

      1, Take the maida flour in a mixing bowl.
       2,  Add Half cup water to sugar and slightly warm it   to dissolve.
      3,Add this sugar mix, and a pinch of salt and cardamom pwd.
    4,Then Mix it well and keep it aside
     5,Make lemon sized balls
      6, Roll it into chapathi shape.
      7,Cut it into small diamond shapes.
       8,Fry the pieces to slightly golden brown.
        9, Remove from oil, drain and set aside.
      10, Sweety crispy snack is ready for you to enjoy…:))
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