Shahi Paneer

Shahi Paneer 

Paneer, cubed - 1 cup
Onion - 1 
Tomato - 3
Green chilli - 1
Ginger - 1 inch
elachi - 1
Red chilli powder - 1 tsp
Garam masala powder - 1/2 tsp
Pepper powder - 1/2 tsp
Cream - 1/4 cup
Milk - 1/4 cup
Tomato sauce - 1 tbsp
Oil/ Butter - 2 tbsp
Salt - as needed
Coriander leaves - 2 tbsp

Cube onion and tomato, chop ginger, green chillies. Heat a pan with a tbsp of oil/ Butter and add  elachi, green chilli and chopped ginger followed by onion. Fry till transparent. Add chopped tomatoes and cook covered until mushy.

Cool and blend in a mixer and strain it. Mean while boil water and keep the paneer immersed in the hot water until use.

Heat pan with remaining oil/ Butter and add the strained mixture. Add tomato sauce,salt,red chilli,garam masala,pepper powders. Cook covered as it will splutter a lot.

Fry till oil separates and forms like a thick paste.Add paneer cubes drained from water.

Add milk  slowly with constant stirring, then add cream, mix well. Heat in low flame for 2-3 minutes. No need to boil, just heat it up. Ready to serve.

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