Aloo Pakora

Aloo Pakora ( Potato pakora)

Potatoes – 2 small( peeled and sliced into thin round)
Besan (chickpea flour) – 1 cup
Rice flour – 3 tsp
Carom seeds (Ajwain) – ¼ tsp
Red chili powder – 1 tsp
Turmeric powder – a pinch
Salt – to taste
Water – little less than ½ cup
Oil – 1 teaspoon + more for frying pakora
Take besan, rice flour, salt, turmeric powder, red chili powder, ajwain in a bowl.
Mix well till incorporated.
Add half of the water and make smooth paste.
Then add remaining water and make thick batter. Batter should not be too thick or too thin. It should be coating consistency. By adding little water at a time, it will not form any lumps and batter will be smooth.
Now heat the oil in pan on medium heat for deep frying.
While oil is getting hot lets prepare potatoes. Wash and peel the potatoes and slice it into thin slices. Now take a teaspoon of oil from that pan and add it to the batter. Mix it well.
Now let’s check the oil. Oil should be medium hot. If you drop a tiny drop of batter into oil and it comes on the top it's ready to fry.
Take one potato slice, dip into the batter consistency like a dosa-idli batter. . Make sure that potato slice will be coated with the batter from all sides.
 Reduce the heat to medium. Now gently drop it into hot oil. Repeat the same with the rest of potato slices. Fry just few at a time don't cluster with too many.
Fry the pakoras until they are crisp and golden brown from both sides.
Place them on tissue to absorb excess oil. Fry the pakoras in small batches on medium heat.
Serve aloo pakoras hot with  green Chutney or tomato sauce.

1. We are not preparing potatoes ahead of time because potatoes get  brownish in color. If want to prepare ahead of time then slice potatoes and keep them in cold water.
2. Ensure the oil is hot before you fry the pakoras else they would absorb more oil.If you drop a tiny drop of batter into oil and it comes on the top immediately after 1-2 seconds then oil is ready to deep fry. if it comes on top very immediately then oil is too hot. If it does not come on top or takes longer time then oil is not enough hot.
3 . Fry few pakoras at a time this would help in frying them faster and making them crispy .

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