

Raw Plantain : 3 nos
Jaggery syrup : 3/4 tsp
Powdered sugar : 2 tbsp
Ground Dried Ginger powder : 1/2 tsp
Rice flour :2 tsp
Cardamom : 4 nos
Cumin seeds : 1/2 tsp
Oil for frying
Peel off the plantain skin and cut each of them into half lengthwise.
Cut each into 1/2 cm thick pieces again and keep it aside.
In a frying pan pour the oil and heat it at medium-high flame.
Add the Plantain pieces when the oil become hot and fry it on a medium flame stirring occasionally until the banana pieces become golden yellow / crisp.
Take the chips out of the oil with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towel and let it cool down (important).
Melt the jaggery by adding 2 tbsp of water to it and if there are impurities strain the jaggery and use it.
Add the cumin powder, 2 tbsp powdered sugar and cardamom to the jaggery syrup and bring to a boil stirring continuously.
When the syrup is in the right consistency lower the heat and add the fried banana pieces.
Mix well and stir continuously in order to prevent the chips from sticking to each other.
Remove from the stove and add the ginger powder.
Add 2 tbsp powdered sugar, mix well.
Finally just sprinkle the rice flour.
