Caramel Bread Pudding

Caramel Bread Pudding

Delicious, Smooth, creamy and  easy pudding  ...
Bread pudding is a very common pudding and lots of variety types included in it. Here comes one of the most simple and delicious menu.

Bread- 8 slices cut up into small pieces (cut out the edges)
Milk-2 1/2 cup
 Cinnamon stick-1small piece
Salt-a pinch
Vanilla extract-1/2tsp
Vanilla essence-3drop
To  caramelize:
In a pan put a cup of sugar and 3 tablespoons of water. Stir well until sugar begins to melt. When it becomes brown in color remove from stove and pour 1tbsp of hot water and put it in a very low flame for few second

In a saucepan, add the milk, sugar and cinnamon stick. Let it boils.When it cool down, remove the cinnamon stick. Blend bread pieces with eggs and the rest of the ingredients with the cold milk. Add caramel in a pudding mold. Pour the mixture in the caramelized mold and bake for an hour in a double boiler (or steam cook it for 30-40 minutes.). When it cool down, remold from the pan.

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